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Joe Biden lidera confortavelmente o voto popular mas os apoiantes do Trump queixam-se por fraude eleitoral

"Beau Biden was, quite simply, the finest man any of us have ever known," Biden wrote in a statement about his son.

O engajamento do chefe do Executivo era visto pela campanha do prefeito tais como fundamental de modo a reverter a desvantagem em relaçãeste a Eduardo Paes (DEM), qual lidera corrida pela Prefeitura do Rio.

Biden, País do futebol e as diplomacias alternativas Na carência por uma relaçãeste adequada utilizando o governo dos EUA, outros atores podem possibilitar assumir este papel de tomar tal ponte utilizando a Casa Branca

jdpent01 If all of what was stated is true, the mass media and Joe don’t appear to be scared, of the coming truth, they must feel continued pressure and broadcast of Biden’s win, will sway all the people there way, and to deny fraud evidence when Joe said the developed the most fabricated fraud org in the USA. So we take him at his word in finding Election Fraud of various types widespread in tabulating votes, The DARPA NSA/CIA SCORECARD SYSTEM WAS cited to be used against POTUS a system used in foreign countries to sway elections there, now used against America, to reach a certain out come for the DEM’S [election win], but got caught in MI where totals did not add up and video capture of the fraud was recorded.

With several states counting mail-in ballots well past the close of polling places on November 3, 2020, the race remained too tight to call into the next day. However, the tide began shifting in Biden's benefício with the announcements of his victories in Wisconsin and Michigan, along with reports of his leads in Arizona, Nevada and Georgia.

The GSA has recognized Joe Biden as the apparent election winner, a key step in the transfer of power

The results of a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll in June suggested that Democrats weren't ready to let Biden walk away just yet, as he topped the poll with 32 percent of participants naming him their favorite for the party's nomination in 2020. Hillary Clinton came in second at 18 percent, jair bolsonaro with Bernie Sanders finishing third at 16 percent.

A primeira reportagem mostrou de que companhias estavam interferindo nas eleições de 2018 ao comprar pacotes de disparos do jair bolsonaro ao vivo mensagens contra este PT no WhatsApp.

You can take a look at additional reporting from independent fact-checkers who investigate reports of false information across Facebook.

Tal tais como na corrida para a Lar Branca, democratas e republicanos seguem taco a taco na luta pelo controlo do Congresso dos Estados Unidos. Os democratas devem preservar a maioria na Câmara dos Representantes, porém ESTES republicanos devem ficar em vantagem pelo Senado.

How do we avoid future authoritarians? Winning back the working class is key Trump fails to answer questions or formally concede in bizarre 90-second briefing – video

14west1 I looked it up jair bolsonaro and watched it. He clearly said he didn’t know anything about the shenanigans going on. It ws a good interview, but didn’t shed any light on the water mark thing.

goopypoopie “There was much more to the tests for fraudulent voting. In addition to the watermark these official ballots also contained ink made of corn, which created an electronic radiation circuit ID that could trace the location of that ballot through GPS transmission. In other words, they could trace if the ballot was filled out by the person named on the ballot.”

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